Where do you live?
I currently live in Santiago de Chile.
What’s your dream knitting destination?
Without a doubt, a beautiful beach in my country, Venezuela. It could be "Cayo Sombrero"
Describe your knitting style in three words!
Modern, comfortable and colorful.
Do you have any tips or shortcuts you use? I just keep practicing and learning. As a tip, read the patterns well before starting to knit and do not forget to make the swatch.
How many Westknits projects do you think you have made?
I don't know...more than 10 I think. My favorites are Explorationstation shawl, Painting Bricks Sweater, Slipstravaganza shawl.
What projects are you working on or what project do you want to make next?
I started the Marled Mania sweater which I really love!
Favorite color?
Blue is my absolute favorite color, but I also love neon colors.
Where is your favorite spot to knit?
On my bed with breakfast included.